Christoph Kobelt


  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_node::$flag_short is deprecated in flag_flag->construct() (Zeile 223 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_node::$flag_long is deprecated in flag_flag->construct() (Zeile 223 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_node::$flag_message is deprecated in flag_flag->construct() (Zeile 223 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_node::$unflag_short is deprecated in flag_flag->construct() (Zeile 223 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_node::$unflag_long is deprecated in flag_flag->construct() (Zeile 223 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_node::$unflag_message is deprecated in flag_flag->construct() (Zeile 223 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_node::$unflag_denied_text is deprecated in flag_flag->construct() (Zeile 223 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_node::$link_type is deprecated in flag_flag->construct() (Zeile 223 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_node::$weight is deprecated in flag_flag->construct() (Zeile 223 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_node::$show_in_links is deprecated in flag_flag->construct() (Zeile 223 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_node::$show_as_field is deprecated in flag_flag->construct() (Zeile 223 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_node::$show_on_form is deprecated in flag_flag->construct() (Zeile 223 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_node::$access_author is deprecated in flag_flag->construct() (Zeile 223 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_node::$show_contextual_link is deprecated in flag_flag->construct() (Zeile 223 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_node::$i18n is deprecated in flag_flag->construct() (Zeile 223 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_node::$options is deprecated in flag_flag::factory_by_row() (Zeile 125 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_node::$type is deprecated in flag_flag::factory_by_row() (Zeile 125 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_node::$flag_short is deprecated in flag_flag->construct() (Zeile 223 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_node::$flag_long is deprecated in flag_flag->construct() (Zeile 223 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_node::$flag_message is deprecated in flag_flag->construct() (Zeile 223 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_node::$unflag_short is deprecated in flag_flag->construct() (Zeile 223 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_node::$unflag_long is deprecated in flag_flag->construct() (Zeile 223 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_node::$unflag_message is deprecated in flag_flag->construct() (Zeile 223 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_node::$unflag_denied_text is deprecated in flag_flag->construct() (Zeile 223 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_node::$link_type is deprecated in flag_flag->construct() (Zeile 223 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_node::$weight is deprecated in flag_flag->construct() (Zeile 223 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_node::$show_in_links is deprecated in flag_flag->construct() (Zeile 223 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_node::$show_as_field is deprecated in flag_flag->construct() (Zeile 223 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_node::$show_on_form is deprecated in flag_flag->construct() (Zeile 223 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_node::$access_author is deprecated in flag_flag->construct() (Zeile 223 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_node::$show_contextual_link is deprecated in flag_flag->construct() (Zeile 223 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_node::$i18n is deprecated in flag_flag->construct() (Zeile 223 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_node::$options is deprecated in flag_flag::factory_by_row() (Zeile 125 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_node::$type is deprecated in flag_flag::factory_by_row() (Zeile 125 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_broken::$flag_short is deprecated in flag_flag->construct() (Zeile 223 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_broken::$flag_long is deprecated in flag_flag->construct() (Zeile 223 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_broken::$flag_message is deprecated in flag_flag->construct() (Zeile 223 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_broken::$unflag_short is deprecated in flag_flag->construct() (Zeile 223 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_broken::$unflag_long is deprecated in flag_flag->construct() (Zeile 223 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_broken::$unflag_message is deprecated in flag_flag->construct() (Zeile 223 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_broken::$unflag_denied_text is deprecated in flag_flag->construct() (Zeile 223 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_broken::$link_type is deprecated in flag_flag->construct() (Zeile 223 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_broken::$weight is deprecated in flag_flag->construct() (Zeile 223 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_broken::$content_type is deprecated in flag_flag::factory_by_array() (Zeile 159 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_broken::$show_on_form is deprecated in flag_flag::factory_by_array() (Zeile 159 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_broken::$access_author is deprecated in flag_flag::factory_by_array() (Zeile 159 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_broken::$show_on_page is deprecated in flag_flag::factory_by_array() (Zeile 159 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_broken::$show_on_teaser is deprecated in flag_flag::factory_by_array() (Zeile 159 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_broken::$show_contextual_link is deprecated in flag_flag::factory_by_array() (Zeile 159 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_broken::$i18n is deprecated in flag_flag::factory_by_array() (Zeile 159 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_broken::$module is deprecated in flag_flag::factory_by_array() (Zeile 159 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_broken::$locked is deprecated in flag_flag::factory_by_array() (Zeile 159 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_broken::$api_version is deprecated in flag_flag::factory_by_array() (Zeile 159 von sites/all/modules/flag/includes/flag/
  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property flag_broken::$status is deprecated in flag_get_default_flags() (Zeile 2059 von sites/all/modules/flag/flag.module).
  • Deprecated function: Function strftime() is deprecated in imaghi_system_powered_by() (Zeile 304 von sites/all/themes/imaghi/template.php).

Christoph Kobelt lebt im kleinen Schweizer Kanton Glarus. Er wurde da am 22. Februar 1955 geboren und wuchs als Jüngster zusammen mit drei Brüdern im Elternhaus in Mitlödi auf, das ihn auch heute mit seiner Familie beherbergt.

Dem Knabenwunsch Orgelbauer zu werden folgte in der Gymnasialzeit die Begeisterung für Geschichte und Archäologie. Doch das vorbildliche Berufsmusikerleben der Eltern und Brüder weckte seine Freude an der Musik. Mit 17 Jahren begann er kleinere Stücke für Jugendchöre zu schreiben. Anlässlich der Schweizerischen Tonkünstlertagung 1980 in Glarus, wo Teile seiner Dreifaltigkeitsmesse zur Uraufführung gelangten, lernte er seinen späteren Mentor, den Komponisten Paul Müller-Zürich kennen. Dieser ermutigte ihn, dem eigenen künstlerischen Weg zu folgen.

Die Ausbildung als Kirchen- und Schulmusiker, der Dirigierunterricht bei Olga Géczy und die Auseinandersetzung mit Komponisten wie Bach, Mozart oder Bruckner, sowie eine ständige Praxis als Kirchenmusiker, Chor- und Orchesterleiter formten seine kompositorische Ausrichtung mit dem Schwerpunkt Geistliche Musik. 1991 erhielt Christoph Kobelt zum 700-Jahr-Jubiläum vom Kanton Glarus den Kompositionsauftrag zum «Canticum perpetuum», 1999 komponierte er zur Einweihung der renovierten Stadtkirche Glarus die «Psalmenmesse». Weitere Schwerpunkte seines Schaffens sind «Die Weihnachtsgeschichte», diverse Kantaten und Orgelwerke, aber auch weltliche Stücke wie die Glarner Lieder oder die Vertonung von Wilhelm Busch's «Max und Moritz». Die grösseren Werke gelangten in Zürich, Winterthur und Glarus zur Aufführung.

Als Kantor prägt Christoph Kobelt heute das Musikleben an der Stadtkirche Winterthur und pflegt im Glarnerland mit dem Glarner Singverein und dem Glarner Kammerorchester eine rege Konzerttätigkeit.

Im Jahre 2005 hat der Regierungsrat des Kantons Glarus Christoph Kobelt den Glarner Kulturpreis verliehen.